Monday, April 8, 2013

Tab Group/windows not behaving properly. Android 4.2,Ti3.0,Win7

Hello. The below code creates two tabs in a window and defines which window/file gains control when one of the tabs is depressed. The 'review database' tab transfers control to the proper page. However, depressing the 'card swipe' tab does absolutely nothing. Any ideas? Thanks

var idTabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup(); var cardSwipeWindow = Titanium.UI.createWindow({     //url: 'checkIDTest.js',     url: 'mainscreen.js',     title: 'Card Swipe',     backgroundColor: 'blue' }); var dbReviewWindow=Titanium.UI.createWindow({     url: 'idBase.js',     title: 'Review DataBase',     backgroundColor: 'blue' }); var cardSwipeTab = Titanium.UI.createTab({     title: 'Card Swipe',     font: {fontSize:40},     window: cardSwipeWindow }); var dbReviewTab= Titanium.UI.createTab({     title: 'Review Database',     font: {fontSize:40},     window: dbReviewWindow }); idTabGroup.addTab(cardSwipeTab); idTabGroup.addTab(dbReviewTab);;


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